
日々の日常から物の紹介、考え方などを書いていきます。 コンサル、講演の依頼はsoxxer.qad.gmail.comまで

Post in English once a week

Hello everryine. My neme is Masa.

Todya i write in English.

But todya write something like self-introduction,not science.


Someone who looks at my blog is American .

So i wanted to do a little intoroduction in English.


i write  research results and ideas on my blog.

i want you try it because i will write something that can used now.


i`m stil not good at English and can make mistakes so please me if wrong.


i plan post in English once a week.

i strongly recommsend you see it.


When i intoduce it lightly

Research says people who speke two or more languages have faster brein processing.